CVN sent the following letter to Mayor and Council as official input on Agenda Item #6 for the Public Hearing scheduled for September 18, 2018.
September 17, 2018
City of Vancouver Mayor & Council
Dear Mayor Gregor Robertson and Councillors,
Re: Public Hearing Sept. 18, 2018, Changes to RT7-RT8-RT10 Zones –
6. REZONING: Amendments to the Zoning and Development By-law for RT-7 and RT-8 Zones (Kitsilano) and RT-10 and RT-10N Zones (Kensington-Cedar Cottage)
The Coalition of Vancouver Neighbourhoods is opposed to this rezoning and how these changes have been brought forward without a proper consultation process with the affected neighbourhoods.
This report proposes to make major changes to large portions of neighbourhoods, without providing any public consultation. It is entirely inconsistent with standard planning practice.
The rezoning of Kitsilano from RT7 and RT8 to RT5 is alarming, since this zoning was created through an extensive planning process with the community of over 5 years duration. The existing zoning continues to be broadly supported as it has worked successfully to retain character houses and rental suites while allowing appropriate new development. It has helped to avoid the demolitions and empty monster houses that have plagued the rest of the city. The RT5 zoning that is being proposed to replace RT7/8 is far inferior to the current zoning, will result in more demolition and lacks adequate design guidelines. It will act as an incentive to the removal of existing, affordable rental units. The RT7-RT8 should be used as a base model for change through amendments where needed, not replaced by an inferior zoning.
The RT10 also was created through a community process, of CityPlan, and should not be replaced.
This report should not be approved and instead referred back to staff for a meaningful public consultation process with the affected neighbourhoods before consideration by Council after the fall election.
Larry Benge, Co-Chair
Dorothy Barkley, Co-Chair
On behalf of the Coalition of Vancouver Neighbourhoods
Member Groups of the Coalition of Vancouver Neighbourhoods:
Arbutus Ridge Community Association
Arbutus Ridge/ Kerrisdale/ Shaughnessy Visions
Cedar Cottage Area Neighbours
Chinatown Action Group
Citygate Intertower Group
Community Association of New Yaletown
Crosstown Residents Association
Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood Council
Dunbar Residents Association
False Creek Residents Association
Grandview Woodland Area Council
Granville Burrard Residents & Business Association
Joyce Area Residents
Kits Point Residents Association
Marpole Oakridge Community Association
Norquay Residents
NW Point Grey Home Owners Association
Oakridge Langara Area Residents
Residents Association Mount Pleasant
Riley Park/South Cambie Visions
Shaughnessy Heights Property Owners Association
Strathcona Residents Association
Upper Kitsilano Residents Association
West End Neighbours Society
West Kitsilano Residents Association
West Point Grey Residents Association