What’s The Rush? Vancouver Communities Question Rapid Rate of Development


What’s The Rush? Vancouver Communities Question Rapid Rate of Development

Vancouver, B.C. – The City of Vancouver is accepting proposals and approving residential construction five times faster than their own projections demand.

According to the Regional Context Statement approved by Vancouver City Council in June this year, the planners anticipate that Vancouver will see an increase of 153,800 people in the thirty-five years from 2006 to 2041 – a rate of an additional 4,350 people per year.

It is this expected increase of 153,800 people that the City says demands the densification plans they have been pushing.

However, since 2011, the city has already proposed or approved sufficient new housing to accommodate 43,000 people. In just two years, this planned housing satisfies 28% of the growth the city projects being required over the next 35 years.

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Vancouver Communities Unite to Fix Planning Mess

October 23, 2013


Vancouver Communities Unite to Fix Planning Mess
Residents’ Associations Seek Better Consultation with the City of Vancouver

Vancouver, B.C. – Eighteen community residents’ associations, covering almost the entire City of Vancouver, have now joined together in a Coalition of Neighbourhoods with the specific purpose of demanding a more respectful relationship between the City and the communities. The Coalition is working on creating a new development/planning paradigm that will stress community involvement and local influence over land use and zoning decisions.

This coming together follows the summer of our discontent. Virtually every neighbourhood in Vancouver has suffered through the disaster that is development and “community engagement” under the present planning process.

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