CVN letter to Council: Report Back on Random Order Ballot Model Used in 2018 Vancouver Election

This letter to Council relates to a staff report going before City Council on January 19, 2021.

January 18, 2020
City of Vancouver Council
Dear Mayor Kennedy Stewart and Councillors,

Re: Report Back on the Random Order Ballot Model Used in the 2018 Vancouver Election


While the proposed changes to election procedures may have merit, the Coalition of Vancouver Neighbourhoods (CVN) have concerns about the process on such an important issue.

Elections are fundamental to democracy and changes to that process should not be taken lightly. There should be a robust process that includes Council and the public. This report has only been posted for three working days before council is expected to vote on it. Most of the public are unaware of this and have had no input.

We request that this be referred back to staff for further consultation and consideration before council votes on this important issue.

Thank you,

Larry A. Benge, Co-chair
Dorothy Barkley, Co-chair